Sunday, December 27, 2009


      Hey everyone welcome to my blog! This is a blog for all of my sponsors without whom I wouldn't be going to Spain. Thank you so much everyone! My God BLESS YOU! This will keep you updated on my missions work in Spain!
       I am so excited to do God's work over there. For those of you who don't know I am headed to Camarma de Esteruelas, Spain and there I will teach 4/5th grade at the Evangelical Christian Academy. I will be there from January 6th through June.  It is all volunteer work and I do not get paid so my lovely sponsors have giving me money. So I have to raise money for room & board, travel expenses etc. I am halfway to my goal of around 6,000. God has been doing amazing work and I know he will continue to bless the funds while i'm over there.

     Be on the lookout for ways to chip in online and help support!!!